Section 10 - Flight System Summary

import numpy as np
from AMAT.launcher import Launcher
def compute_mf(m0, dV, Isp = 320, g0=9.80661):
    return m0*np.exp(-dV/(Isp*g0))

Compute launch capability

launcher1 = Launcher('Falcon Heavy Exp. with kick',

m10 = float(launcher1.launchMass(53.866))
DV1 = 0
DM1 = 0
m1f = m10

Deep space maneuver

m20 = m1f
DV2 = 1040
m2f = compute_mf(m20, DV2)
DM2 = m2f - m20

Cruise stage jettisson

m30 = m2f
DV3 = 0
DM3 = -400
m3f = m30 + DM3

Aeroshell and TPS jettisson

m40 = m3f
DV4 = 0
DM4 = -(0.20 + 0.20)*m40
m4f = m40 + DM4

Periapsis Raise Manuever

m50 = m4f
DV5 = 78.7
m5f = compute_mf(m50, DV5)
DM5 = m5f - m50

Apoapsis Correction Maneuver

m60 = m5f
DV6 = 123
m6f = compute_mf(m60, DV6)
DM6 = m6f - m60

Probe Targeting Maneuver

m70 = m6f
DV7 = 90
m7f = compute_mf(m70, DV7)
DM7 = m7f - m70

Probe release

m80 = m7f
DV8 = 0
DM8 = -300
m8f = m80 + DM8

Orbiter deflection

m90 = m8f
DV9 = 90
m9f = compute_mf(m90, DV9)
DM9 = m9f - m90
print("Event                  |   m0, kg  |   ∆V, m/s  |  ∆M, kg   |      mf, kg")
print("Launch capability      |  "  + str(round(m10)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV1))+"        |   "+str(round(DM1)) +"       |      "+str(round(m1f))  )
print("Deep Space Man.        |  "  + str(round(m20)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV2))+"     |  "+str(round(DM2)) +"    |      "+str(round(m2f))  )
print("Cruise stage jettisson |  "  + str(round(m30)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV3))+"        |  "+str(round(DM3)) +"     |      "+str(round(m3f))  )
print("Aeroshell, TPS jettison|  "  + str(round(m40)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV4))+"        |  "+str(round(DM4)) +"    |      "+str(round(m4f))  )
print("Periapsis raise        |  "  + str(round(m50)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV5))+"       |  "+str(round(DM5)) +"      |      "+str(round(m5f))  )
print("Apoapsis correction    |  "  + str(round(m60)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV6))+"      |  "+str(round(DM6)) +"      |      "+str(round(m6f))  )
print("Probe Targeting        |  "  + str(round(m70)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV7))+"       |  "+str(round(DM7)) +"      |      "+str(round(m7f))  )
print("Probe Release          |  "  + str(round(m80)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV8))+"        |  "+str(round(DM8)) +"     |      "+str(round(m8f))  )
print("Orbiter Deflection     |  "  + str(round(m90)) +"  |   "+  str(round(DV9))+"       |  "+str(round(DM9)) +"      |      "+str(round(m9f))  )
Event                  |   m0, kg  |   ∆V, m/s  |  ∆M, kg   |      mf, kg
Launch capability      |  5069  |   0        |   0       |      5069
Deep Space Man.        |  5069  |   1040     |  -1430    |      3639
Cruise stage jettisson |  3639  |   0        |  -400     |      3239
Aeroshell, TPS jettison|  3239  |   0        |  -1295    |      1943
Periapsis raise        |  1943  |   79       |  -48      |      1895
Apoapsis correction    |  1895  |   123      |  -73      |      1822
Probe Targeting        |  1822  |   90       |  -52      |      1771
Probe Release          |  1771  |   0        |  -300     |      1471
Orbiter Deflection     |  1471  |   90       |  -42      |      1429