Section 3.2 - Mars SmallSat Aerocapture - Tradespace Exploration

We use aerocapture feasibility charts to explore the design trade space for aerocapture at Mars using drag modulation aerocapture.

from AMAT.planet import Planet
from AMAT.vehicle import Vehicle

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import os
# Create a planet object
planet.h_skip = 120000.0

# Load an nominal atmospheric profile with height, temp, pressure, density data
planet.loadAtmosphereModel('../../../atmdata/Mars/mars-gram-avg.dat', 0 , 1 ,2, 3)

vinf_kms_array  = np.linspace( 0.0,   10.0,   11)
betaRatio_array = np.linspace( 1.0,   21.0 ,  11)
beta1 = 20.0
runID = 'mars-smallsat-dm'
v0_kms_array    = np.zeros(len(vinf_kms_array))
v0_kms_array[:] = np.sqrt(1.0*(vinf_kms_array[:]*1E3)**2.0 + 2*np.ones(len(vinf_kms_array))*planet.GM/(planet.RP+120.0*1.0E3))/1.0E3

overShootLimit_array  = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
underShootLimit_array = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
exitflag_os_array     = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
exitflag_us_array     = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
TCW_array             = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
[ ]:
for i in range(0,len(v0_kms_array)):
    for j in range(0,len(betaRatio_array)):
        vehicle=Vehicle('DMVehicle', 100.0, beta1, 0.0, 1.767, 0.0, 0.35, planet)

        underShootLimit_array[i,j], exitflag_us_array[i,j] = vehicle.findUnderShootLimitD(2400.0, 2.0, -80.0,-4.0,1E-10,400.0)
        overShootLimit_array[i,j] , exitflag_os_array[i,j] = vehicle.findOverShootLimitD (2400.0, 2.0, -80.0,-4.0,1E-10,400.0)

        TCW_array[i,j]    = overShootLimit_array[i,j] - underShootLimit_array[i,j]

        print('VINF: '+str(vinf_kms_array[i])+' km/s, BETA RATIO: '+str(betaRatio_array[j])+' TCW: '+str(TCW_array[i,j])+' deg.')

acc_net_g_max_array       = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
stag_pres_atm_max_array   = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
q_stag_total_max_array    = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))
heatload_max_array        = np.zeros((len(v0_kms_array),len(betaRatio_array)))

underShootLimit_array = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'underShootLimit_array.txt')
overShootLimit_array = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'overShootLimit_array.txt')

for i in range(0,len(v0_kms_array)):
    for j in range(0,len(betaRatio_array)):
        vehicle=Vehicle('DMVehicle', 100.0, beta1, 0.0, 1.767, 0.0, 0.35, planet)

        vehicle.propogateEntry (2400.0, 2.0, 0.0)

        # Extract and save variables to plot
        t_min_os         = vehicle.t_minc
        h_km_os          = vehicle.h_kmc
        acc_net_g_os     = vehicle.acc_net_g
        q_stag_con_os    = vehicle.q_stag_con
        q_stag_rad_os    = vehicle.q_stag_rad
        rc_os            = vehicle.rc
        vc_os            =
        stag_pres_atm_os = vehicle.computeStagPres(rc_os,vc_os)/(1.01325E5)
        heatload_os      = vehicle.heatload

        vehicle=Vehicle('DMVehicle', 100.0, beta1, 0.0, 1.767, 0.0, 0.35, planet)
        vehicle.setSolverParams( 1E-6)

        vehicle.propogateEntry (2400.0, 2.0, 0.0)

        # Extract and save variable to plot
        t_min_us         = vehicle.t_minc
        h_km_us          = vehicle.h_kmc
        acc_net_g_us     = vehicle.acc_net_g
        q_stag_con_us    = vehicle.q_stag_con
        q_stag_rad_us    = vehicle.q_stag_rad
        rc_us            = vehicle.rc
        vc_us            =
        stag_pres_atm_us = vehicle.computeStagPres(rc_us,vc_us)/(1.01325E5)
        heatload_us      = vehicle.heatload

        q_stag_total_os  = q_stag_con_os + q_stag_rad_os
        q_stag_total_us  = q_stag_con_us + q_stag_rad_us

        acc_net_g_max_array[i,j]      = max(max(acc_net_g_os),max(acc_net_g_os))
        stag_pres_atm_max_array[i,j]  = max(max(stag_pres_atm_os),max(stag_pres_atm_os))
        q_stag_total_max_array[i,j]   = max(max(q_stag_total_os),max(q_stag_total_us))
        heatload_max_array[i,j]       = max(max(heatload_os),max(heatload_os))

        print("V_infty: "+str(vinf_kms_array[i])+" km/s"+", BR: "+str(betaRatio_array[j])+" G_MAX: "+str(acc_net_g_max_array[i,j])+" QDOT_MAX: "+str(q_stag_total_max_array[i,j])+" J_MAX: "+str(heatload_max_array[i,j])+" STAG. PRES: "+str(stag_pres_atm_max_array[i,j]))

V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 12.299433180911738 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 15.798017276304611 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 17.258172599537417 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 18.099831481865703 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 18.702861979243437 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 19.157507566573663 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 19.52223610157443 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 19.825553544367676 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 20.076608738618578 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 20.29427853270561 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 0.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 0.8802169883233952 QDOT_MAX: 20.492565007324007 J_MAX: 2452.610893056963 STAG. PRES: 0.001708753559306077
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 13.286106469834941 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 17.063593357608102 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 18.596268345051726 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 19.489351761554847 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 20.11901809293889 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 20.59068028796914 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 20.975536488610587 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 21.297368632676267 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 21.57325154953119 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 21.798453513876588 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 1.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 0.9838018321759852 QDOT_MAX: 22.004053687414597 J_MAX: 2569.0237601355398 STAG. PRES: 0.0019096681257546682
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 16.45313203834344 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 21.01488138757287 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 22.762826384149808 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 23.82020071626924 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 24.537315698305992 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 25.102376038181774 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 25.537434573256082 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 25.916746113058156 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 26.225308601524997 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 26.485287929900462 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 2.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 1.292258647598211 QDOT_MAX: 26.715527820971825 J_MAX: 2900.54443937752 STAG. PRES: 0.00250775054083841
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 22.48387668593143 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 28.107330552638214 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 30.28776728402224 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 31.580012183790597 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 32.50259272113666 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 33.18330150223976 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 33.70437285340171 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 34.17789626582457 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 34.533330681355665 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 34.88520416178665 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 3.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 1.8259113297641725 QDOT_MAX: 35.17734323690694 J_MAX: 3419.20077318237 STAG. PRES: 0.0035421159441447747
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 31.727372765077163 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 39.0619139862417 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 41.89485280941947 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 43.542218798305136 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 44.70199272737595 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 45.58746885500958 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 46.30467592218154 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 46.87548844935506 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 47.35871917456521 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 47.82026480405196 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 4.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 2.6556218073588584 QDOT_MAX: 48.194492000356234 J_MAX: 4096.741687771771 STAG. PRES: 0.005150134553951027
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 44.876515302136596 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 54.77273778373592 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 58.46514340789856 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 60.60030104917139 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 62.18294269366363 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 63.34656454184943 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 64.27008443073703 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 64.99829582271471 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 65.73133296348114 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 66.30766668470055 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 5.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 3.7872559881702705 QDOT_MAX: 66.74041666826393 J_MAX: 4922.900201062396 STAG. PRES: 0.007342348590774492
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 63.46812084187307 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 76.21405435514988 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 81.10077161980504 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 83.98729732389532 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 85.9991300601521 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 87.49640623239803 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 88.70484332355163 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 89.83803844391937 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 90.67284098752529 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 91.38632353409926 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 6.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 5.227929145302218 QDOT_MAX: 92.22683694311006 J_MAX: 5894.435316281576 STAG. PRES: 0.010132860400697477
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 87.93582264144091 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 104.62778626050326 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 110.88771727814694 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 114.70249033273082 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 117.1013604471338 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 119.35104365006556 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 120.87372266737007 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 122.19755844059095 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 123.62111512049795 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 124.69880008531256 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 7.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 7.0010671079297 QDOT_MAX: 125.50626604057734 J_MAX: 7010.201827137782 STAG. PRES: 0.013566773578925745
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 119.47897943096713 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 140.88872596656054 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 148.77094111167912 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 153.9180979283062 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 157.02745143315624 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 159.9999206756808 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 162.00108695667657 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 163.53535688229584 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 165.51765839020703 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 167.04520189995392 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 8.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 9.104871040862236 QDOT_MAX: 168.21195539865383 J_MAX: 8270.011706981604 STAG. PRES: 0.017640083281896677
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 158.9507341633341 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 186.29130192116975 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 196.65483772964578 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 202.60814301172775 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 207.26688550435304 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 209.9700198724151 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 213.32735403755765 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 215.99728836425746 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 217.909062994625 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 219.35470067586087 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 9.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 11.528034195425901 QDOT_MAX: 220.45129046186048 J_MAX: 9673.746160496585 STAG. PRES: 0.022332463228912258
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 1.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 207.7294817594725 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 3.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 241.42819924126587 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 5.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 254.6862088640615 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 7.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 262.7062514907969 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 9.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 268.1984750146885 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 11.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 271.53748789869223 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 13.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 276.18687261119214 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 15.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 279.5264028214768 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 17.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 281.9513743438992 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 19.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 283.8000991043289 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
V_infty: 10.0 km/s, BR: 21.0 G_MAX: 14.304598311664126 QDOT_MAX: 285.13162284891297 J_MAX: 11216.931808408366 STAG. PRES: 0.02770830881406925
x = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'vinf_kms_array.txt')
y = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'betaRatio_array.txt')

Z1 = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'TCW_array.txt')
G1 = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'acc_net_g_max_array.txt')
Q1 = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'q_stag_total_max_array.txt')
H1 = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'heatload_max_array.txt')
S1 = np.loadtxt('../../../data/acta-astronautica/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/'+runID+'stag_pres_atm_max_array.txt')

f1 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, np.transpose(Z1), kind='cubic')
g1 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, np.transpose(G1), kind='cubic')
q1 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, np.transpose(Q1), kind='cubic')
h1 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, np.transpose(H1), kind='cubic')
s1 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, np.transpose(S1), kind='cubic')

x_new =  np.linspace( 0.0,   10,  110)
y_new =  np.linspace( 0.0,   21 ,110)

z1_new =  np.zeros((len(x_new),len(y_new)))
g1_new =  np.zeros((len(x_new),len(y_new)))
q1_new =  np.zeros((len(x_new),len(y_new)))
h1_new =  np.zeros((len(x_new),len(y_new)))
s1_new =  np.zeros((len(x_new),len(y_new)))

for i in range(0,len(x_new)):
    for j in range(0,len(y_new)):

        z1_new[i,j] = f1(x_new[i],y_new[j])
        g1_new[i,j] = g1(x_new[i],y_new[j])
        q1_new[i,j] = q1(x_new[i],y_new[j])
        h1_new[i,j] = h1(x_new[i],y_new[j])
        s1_new[i,j] = s1(x_new[i],y_new[j])

Z1 = z1_new
G1 = g1_new
Q1 = q1_new
S1 = s1_new
H1 = h1_new/1000.0

X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_new, y_new)

Zlevels = np.array([0.5, 0.80, 1.0, 1.20, 1.40, 1.50])

Glevels = np.array([3, 6])
Qlevels = np.array([40, 60, 80, 120])
Hlevels = np.array([6, 10])

fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches([5, 5])
plt.rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }


ZCS1 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.transpose(Z1), levels=Zlevels, colors='black')

plt.clabel(ZCS1, inline=1, fontsize=12, colors='black',fmt='%.2f',inline_spacing=1)
ZCS1.collections[0].set_label(r'$TCW, deg$')

GCS1 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.transpose(G1), levels=Glevels, colors='blue',linestyles='dashed')

Glabels=plt.clabel(GCS1, inline=1, fontsize=12, colors='blue',fmt='%d',inline_spacing=0)


QCS1 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.transpose(Q1), levels=Qlevels, colors='red',linestyles='dotted')
plt.clabel(QCS1, inline=1, fontsize=12, colors='red',fmt='%d',inline_spacing=0)
QCS1.collections[0].set_label(r'$\dot{q}$'+', '+r'$W/cm^2$')

HCS1 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.transpose(H1), levels=Hlevels, colors='xkcd:brown',linestyles='dashdot')

Hlabels=plt.clabel(HCS1, inline=1, fontsize=12, colors='xkcd:brown',fmt='%d',inline_spacing=0)
HCS1.collections[0].set_label(r'$Q$'+', '+r'$kJ/cm^2$')

params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }
plt.ylabel(r'$\beta_2$'+' / '+r'$ \beta_1 $' ,fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel("Arrival "+r'$V_\infty$'+r', km/s' ,fontsize=14)
plt.yticks(np.array([1, 5, 10, 15, 20]),fontsize=14)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(direction='in', which='both')
ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(direction='in', which='both')
ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=1, length=4)
ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=1, length=4)
ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=1, length=4, which='minor')
ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=1, length=4, which='minor')
#plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=16)
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
colors = ['black', 'red', 'green']
lines = [Line2D([0], [0], color='black', linewidth=1.75, linestyle='solid'),
         Line2D([0], [0], color='blue',  linewidth=1.75, linestyle='dashed'),
         Line2D([0], [0], color='red',  linewidth=1.75, linestyle='dotted'),
         Line2D([0], [0], color='xkcd:brown',  linewidth=2.00, linestyle='dashdot')]
labels = [r'$TCW, deg$', r'$g$'+r'-load', r'$\dot{q}$'+', '+r'$W/cm^2$', r'$Q$'+', '+r'$kJ/cm^2$']
plt.legend(lines, labels, loc='upper right',fontsize=12, framealpha=1)

for l in Hlabels:
for l in Glabels:

for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']:

plt.scatter(2.65, 7.5, marker="*", s=300, color='xkcd:black', zorder=100)

plt.savefig('../../../data/mdpi-aerospace/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/mars-smallsat-ac-tradespace.png', dpi= 300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig('../../../data/mdpi-aerospace/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/mars-smallsat-ac-tradespace.pdf', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig('../../../data/mdpi-aerospace/smallsat-mission-concepts/mars/mars-smallsat-ac-tradespace.eps', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')