Example - 52 - Mars SmallSat Aerocapture Demonstration - Part 2

In this example, we will use Monte Carlo simulations to assess flight performance. Reference: M.S.Werner and R.D.Braun, Mission Design and Performance Analysis of a Smallsat Aerocapture Flight Test, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, DOI: 10.2514/1.A33997

from AMAT.planet import Planet
from AMAT.vehicle import Vehicle
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
# Set up the planet and atmosphere model.
planet.loadAtmosphereModel('../atmdata/Mars/mars-gram-avg.dat', 0 , 1 ,2, 3)
planet.h_skip = 150000.0

# Set up the drag modulation vehicle.
vehicle=Vehicle('MarsSmallSat1', 25.97, 66.4, 0.0, np.pi*0.25**2, 0.0, 0.0563, planet)


# Set up the drag modulation entry phase guidance parameters.
vehicle.setDragEntryPhaseParams(2.0, 15.0, 101, -200.0)

# Set the target orbit parameters.
vehicle.setTargetOrbitParams(450.0, 450.0, 20.0)

# Define the path to atmospheric files to be used for the Monte Carlo simulations.
atmfiles = ['../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt']

# Set up the Monte Carlo simulation for drag modulation.
# NPOS = 156, NMONTE = 1000
# Target EFPA = -12.05 deg
# EFPA 1-sigma error = +/- 0.067 deg
# Nominal beta_1 = 66.4 kg/m2
# beta_1 1-sigma = 0.0
# guidance time step for entry = 1.0s (Freq. = 1 Hz)
# guidance time step after jettison = 1.0 s
# max. solver time step = 0.1 s
# max. time used by solver = 2400 s

vehicle.setupMonteCarloSimulationD(156, 1000, atmfiles, 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, True,
                                   -12.05,  0.0667, 66.4, 0.0,
                                    1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 2400.0)
# Run 200 trajectories
vehicle.runMonteCarloD(200, '../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars')
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 1, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 473, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 0.05, APO : 470.71
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 2, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 948, EFPA: -12.11, SIGMA: -0.68, APO : 249.09
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 3, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 982, EFPA: -12.11, SIGMA: -0.00, APO : 183.77
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 4, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 909, EFPA: -12.14, SIGMA: 0.97, APO : 165.56
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 5, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 795, EFPA: -11.96, SIGMA: 0.19, APO : 467.54
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 6, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 493, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: 0.10, APO : 442.98
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 7, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 255, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: 0.47, APO : 474.19
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 8, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 772, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: -0.41, APO : 470.02
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 9, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 819, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.51, APO : 383.96
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 10, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 707, EFPA: -12.11, SIGMA: -0.56, APO : 396.13
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 11, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 348, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: -0.59, APO : 30.81
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 12, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 183, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 1.09, APO : 314.32
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 13, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 236, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: 1.01, APO : 307.66
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 14, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 517, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: 1.79, APO : 262.04
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 15, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 643, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: -0.94, APO : 626.13
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 16, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 95, EFPA: -11.93, SIGMA: -0.67, APO : 477.67
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 17, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 718, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 0.07, APO : 410.59
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 18, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 18, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: -1.54, APO : 444.56
/home/athul/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/AMAT-2.1.2-py3.7.egg/AMAT/vehicle.py:504: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  ans[:]  = 1.8980E-8 * (rho_vec[:]/self.RN)**0.5 * v[:]**3.0
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 19, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 42, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.68, APO : 462.32
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 20, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 291, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: 0.15, APO : 428.46
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 21, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 54, EFPA: -12.16, SIGMA: 1.26, APO : 30.55
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 22, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 471, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -0.18, APO : 429.90
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 23, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 404, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: -0.57, APO : 445.32
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 24, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 206, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: -0.55, APO : 473.24
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 25, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 913, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: 0.73, APO : 346.17
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 26, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 24, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.01, APO : 537.43
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 27, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 398, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 0.96, APO : 434.48
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 28, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 318, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: -0.05, APO : 445.43
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 29, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 200, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: 0.59, APO : 418.05
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 30, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 237, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 0.45, APO : 397.03
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 31, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 708, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: -1.92, APO : 484.91
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 32, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 727, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: -1.57, APO : 470.89
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 33, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 526, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -0.34, APO : 470.23
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 34, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 479, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.45, APO : 477.59
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 35, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 454, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: 1.18, APO : 219.58
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 36, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 573, EFPA: -11.91, SIGMA: -0.10, APO : 528.42
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 37, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 207, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: 0.82, APO : 436.65
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 38, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 597, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 0.11, APO : 375.03
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 39, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 379, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: 1.37, APO : 231.86
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 40, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 848, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -2.18, APO : 370.00
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 41, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 257, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: -0.02, APO : 439.20
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 42, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 738, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: -1.37, APO : 435.96
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 43, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 847, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: 0.42, APO : 287.91
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 44, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 892, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -0.27, APO : 485.94
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 45, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 229, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: -1.43, APO : 457.72
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 46, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 471, EFPA: -11.96, SIGMA: -0.19, APO : 469.02
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 47, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 107, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: 0.39, APO : 423.73
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 48, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 128, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: 1.40, APO : 317.12
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 49, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 427, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: -0.70, APO : 29.04
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 50, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 497, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: -0.69, APO : 446.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 51, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 206, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: 0.40, APO : 431.06
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 52, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 579, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: -0.30, APO : 404.20
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 53, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 738, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: 0.37, APO : 455.28
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 54, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 781, EFPA: -12.11, SIGMA: -1.31, APO : 307.05
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 55, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 608, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -0.49, APO : 280.04
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 56, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 586, EFPA: -11.89, SIGMA: -0.31, APO : 3114.30
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 57, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 170, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 1.99, APO : 359.22
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 58, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 555, EFPA: -12.21, SIGMA: 0.20, APO : 30.35
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 59, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 870, EFPA: -11.96, SIGMA: -1.26, APO : 2180.48
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 60, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 218, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.67, APO : 392.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 61, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 136, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: 0.93, APO : 243.16
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 62, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 819, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: 0.07, APO : 475.63
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 63, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 398, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: 0.79, APO : 422.55
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 64, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 899, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 1.07, APO : 384.39
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 65, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 665, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -0.33, APO : 628.14
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 66, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 727, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -1.20, APO : 562.68
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 67, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 767, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -0.34, APO : 466.43
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 68, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 21, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: -1.06, APO : 486.86
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 69, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 104, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 0.82, APO : 439.20
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 70, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 850, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 0.15, APO : 333.87
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 71, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 63, EFPA: -12.14, SIGMA: 0.36, APO : 329.06
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 72, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 898, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -1.67, APO : 285.72
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 73, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 861, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: -0.27, APO : 478.64
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 74, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 883, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: 0.52, APO : 470.65
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 75, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 204, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: -0.67, APO : 402.21
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 76, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 431, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -1.27, APO : 443.38
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 77, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 51, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: 1.09, APO : 467.80
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 78, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 835, EFPA: -12.16, SIGMA: -0.06, APO : 180.61
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 79, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 424, EFPA: -12.20, SIGMA: -1.29, APO : 652.95
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 80, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 558, EFPA: -11.91, SIGMA: 0.10, APO : 616.51
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 81, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 184, EFPA: -11.96, SIGMA: 0.77, APO : 475.03
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 82, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 993, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: 0.64, APO : 453.54
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 83, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 501, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -0.83, APO : 468.49
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 84, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 493, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -0.11, APO : 508.56
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 85, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 638, EFPA: -12.14, SIGMA: -0.23, APO : 29.83
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 86, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 340, EFPA: -12.22, SIGMA: 1.23, APO : 29.68
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 87, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 218, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.48, APO : 385.04
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 88, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 318, EFPA: -11.93, SIGMA: 1.64, APO : 483.52
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 89, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 817, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: 0.94, APO : 384.50
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 90, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 894, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.56, APO : 264.38
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 91, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 541, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -0.64, APO : 389.50
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 92, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 160, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -1.07, APO : 328.40
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 93, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 723, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 1.14, APO : 262.13
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 94, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 473, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: -1.37, APO : 467.98
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 95, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 803, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.36, APO : 488.40
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 96, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 571, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: 0.73, APO : 336.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 97, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 941, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: 0.54, APO : 393.71
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 98, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 337, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.36, APO : 300.38
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 99, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 870, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: -0.65, APO : 485.49
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 100, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 740, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: -1.16, APO : 672.33
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 101, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 261, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: 1.70, APO : 28.73
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 102, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 139, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: -0.76, APO : 477.85
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 103, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 828, EFPA: -12.14, SIGMA: 1.64, APO : 29.30
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 104, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 523, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: 1.19, APO : 299.59
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 105, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 86, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.91, APO : 391.42
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 106, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 650, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 1.97, APO : 302.54
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 107, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 819, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: 0.84, APO : 351.63
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 108, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 567, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 1.34, APO : 565.22
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 109, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 826, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 0.21, APO : 449.97
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 110, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 814, EFPA: -11.95, SIGMA: -2.35, APO : 470.46
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 111, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 383, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.18, APO : 438.04
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 112, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 966, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: 0.45, APO : 346.67
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 113, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 121, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 1.17, APO : 311.76
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 114, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 470, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: -0.82, APO : 491.70
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 115, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 43, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: -0.37, APO : 445.74
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 116, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 363, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: -1.66, APO : 401.13
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 117, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 592, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -1.24, APO : 404.40
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 118, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 27, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -1.55, APO : 332.11
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 119, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 825, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: 0.23, APO : 308.05
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 120, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 483, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: 1.25, APO : 429.94
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 121, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 8, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: 0.07, APO : 345.33
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 122, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 343, EFPA: -11.95, SIGMA: 0.18, APO : 484.28
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 123, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 311, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: 1.17, APO : 30.46
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 124, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 426, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -1.71, APO : 422.83
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 125, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 369, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 1.58, APO : 270.59
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 126, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 291, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: -0.21, APO : 440.37
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 127, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 328, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: -0.21, APO : 252.96
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 128, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 107, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 1.50, APO : 481.17
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 129, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 398, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: 1.43, APO : 381.01
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 130, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 472, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: -0.72, APO : 469.38
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 131, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 860, EFPA: -12.11, SIGMA: 0.83, APO : 252.62
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 132, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 64, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 1.19, APO : 448.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 133, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 113, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: 1.44, APO : 379.96
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 134, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 996, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: -0.72, APO : 458.85
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 135, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 496, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -1.28, APO : 404.90
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 136, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 975, EFPA: -12.14, SIGMA: -0.21, APO : 845.32
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 137, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 196, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: 0.75, APO : 290.71
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 138, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 398, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: -0.36, APO : 356.07
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 139, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 798, EFPA: -12.11, SIGMA: -0.45, APO : 407.26
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 140, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 850, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -0.63, APO : 429.75
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 141, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 364, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: -2.51, APO : 470.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 142, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 497, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -0.11, APO : 197.46
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 143, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 942, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -0.13, APO : 392.91
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 144, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 292, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -0.16, APO : 462.44
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 145, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 457, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -1.14, APO : 474.83
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 146, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 202, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.95, APO : 352.26
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 147, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 411, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: -1.34, APO : 439.96
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 148, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 926, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 0.69, APO : 339.36
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 149, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 341, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: 1.01, APO : 177.54
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 150, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 897, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: 1.11, APO : 248.00
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 151, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 759, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: -0.16, APO : 424.57
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 152, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 736, EFPA: -12.01, SIGMA: -1.08, APO : 476.70
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 153, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 367, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: -2.00, APO : 439.34
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 154, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 715, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: -1.63, APO : 444.77
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 155, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 196, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: 1.02, APO : 334.06
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 156, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 822, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: -0.38, APO : 251.38
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 157, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 77, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: 0.36, APO : 343.02
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 158, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 582, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: 0.97, APO : 371.69
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 159, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 483, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: 1.34, APO : 294.31
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 160, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 230, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.16, APO : 398.86
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 161, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 171, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.31, APO : 434.57
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 162, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 431, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -1.51, APO : 437.77
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 163, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 744, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: 0.56, APO : 425.09
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 164, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 808, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: -0.18, APO : 318.38
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 165, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 678, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: 0.96, APO : 425.24
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 166, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 815, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -0.91, APO : 407.80
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 167, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 929, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: -2.28, APO : 436.81
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 168, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 902, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: -0.27, APO : 389.17
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 169, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 739, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: -0.56, APO : 475.41
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 170, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 116, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: -1.21, APO : 345.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 171, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 521, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: 0.19, APO : 436.42
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 172, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 706, EFPA: -12.18, SIGMA: -0.71, APO : 166.46
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 173, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 918, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: -0.41, APO : 416.91
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 174, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 730, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: 0.29, APO : 265.49
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 175, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 773, EFPA: -12.00, SIGMA: -1.76, APO : 463.55
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 176, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 976, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -1.97, APO : 418.32
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 177, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 522, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: 0.59, APO : 396.80
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 178, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 284, EFPA: -12.15, SIGMA: 1.21, APO : 30.75
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 179, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 773, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: 0.05, APO : 448.87
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 180, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 928, EFPA: -11.99, SIGMA: -1.09, APO : 445.25
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 181, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 519, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.02, APO : 417.03
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 182, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 330, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: 0.62, APO : 389.94
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 183, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 241, EFPA: -12.10, SIGMA: -1.98, APO : 405.54
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 184, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 855, EFPA: -11.98, SIGMA: -0.27, APO : 478.47
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 185, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 381, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: 0.99, APO : 244.64
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 186, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 182, EFPA: -11.95, SIGMA: 2.14, APO : 474.76
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 187, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 52, EFPA: -12.08, SIGMA: -0.18, APO : 486.57
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 188, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 296, EFPA: -12.03, SIGMA: -0.24, APO : 481.16
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 189, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 737, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: 0.89, APO : 326.65
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 190, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 985, EFPA: -11.97, SIGMA: -0.81, APO : 489.30
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 191, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 707, EFPA: -12.19, SIGMA: -1.24, APO : 396.14
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 192, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 385, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: -0.86, APO : 425.49
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 193, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 594, EFPA: -12.02, SIGMA: -1.46, APO : 488.71
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 194, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 576, EFPA: -12.05, SIGMA: -1.01, APO : 457.67
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 195, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 189, EFPA: -12.06, SIGMA: 0.96, APO : 401.33
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 196, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 220, EFPA: -12.04, SIGMA: 1.90, APO : 239.64
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 197, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 714, EFPA: -12.09, SIGMA: -0.08, APO : 430.14
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 198, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 992, EFPA: -12.13, SIGMA: 0.62, APO : 618.85
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 199, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 446, EFPA: -12.12, SIGMA: 0.34, APO : 590.72
BATCH :../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars, RUN #: 200, PROF: ../atmdata/Mars/LAT00N-N1000.txt, SAMPLE #: 574, EFPA: -12.07, SIGMA: 0.05, APO : 389.68

Load the terminal apoapsis, deceleration and heat rate data.

apoap = np.loadtxt('../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars/terminal_apoapsis_arr.txt')
peria = np.loadtxt('../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars/terminal_periapsis_arr.txt')
decel = np.loadtxt('../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars/acc_net_g_max_arr.txt')
heatr = np.loadtxt('../data/werner2019/MCB1-Mars/q_stag_max_arr.txt')

Remove cases which resulted in apoapsis < 100 km or > 800 km.

del_index_low = np.where(apoap < 100)
(array([ 10,  20,  48,  57,  84,  85, 100, 102, 122, 177]),)

Seven cases resulted in apoapis less than 100 km, and are considered to crash.

Remove these entries from the data before plotting.

apoap_clean = np.delete(apoap, del_index_low)
peria_clean = np.delete(peria, del_index_low)
decel_clean = np.delete(decel, del_index_low)
heatr_clean = np.delete(heatr, del_index_low)

Also remove cases with apoapsis > 800 km.

del_index_high = np.where(apoap_clean > 800)
(array([ 52,  54, 126]),)
apoap_clean2 = np.delete(apoap_clean, del_index_high)
peria_clean2 = np.delete(peria_clean, del_index_high)
decel_clean2 = np.delete(decel_clean, del_index_high)
heatr_clean2 = np.delete(heatr_clean, del_index_high)
plt.rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }
plt.hist(apoap_clean2, bins=15, color='xkcd:red')
plt.xlabel('Apoapsis altitude, km',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Number of cases',fontsize=14)

plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-apoa-hist-mars.pdf', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-apoa-hist-mars.eps', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }
plt.hist(decel_clean2, bins=20, color='xkcd:green')
plt.xlabel('Deceleration, g',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Number of cases',fontsize=14)

plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-decel-hist-mars.pdf', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-decel-hist-mars.eps', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }
plt.hist(heatr_clean2, bins=20, color='xkcd:blue')
plt.xlabel('Heat rate, '+r'$W/cm^2$',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Number of cases',fontsize=14)

plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-heat-hist-mars.pdf', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-heat-hist-mars.eps', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.rc('font',family='Times New Roman')
params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }
plt.scatter(peria_clean2, apoap_clean2, s=30, facecolors='none', edgecolors='b', lw=2)
plt.axhline(y=450, lw=2.0, ls='dashed', color='k')
plt.xlabel('Periapsis altitude, km',fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Apoapsis altitude, km',fontsize=14)

plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-apoa-peri-mars.pdf', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig('../plots/werner-smallsat-apoa-peri-mars.eps', dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')

Find the percentage of cases which achieved apoapsis between 100 and 800 km.

(np.size(apoap) - np.size(del_index_low) - np.size(del_index_high))*100/np.size(apoap)

These results are different from those in the paper because of the different guidance schemes used here. This exercide did not attempt to optimize the guidance parameters. Further study can improve the apoapsis targeting.