Example - 67 - Multi-orbiter Deflection Maneuver

In this example, we illustrate the calculation of the divert manuever to deliver two orbiters: one equatorial and one polar.

import numpy as np
from AMAT.maneuver import OrbiterOrbiterDeflection

The first orbiter will target a near equatorial orbit with 4000 km periapis altitude. The second orbiter will target a near polar orbit with the same periapsis altitude. The deflection manuever is performed 60 days before periapsis at a distance of 4225 times the radius of Neptune.

deflection = OrbiterOrbiterDeflection( arrivalPlanet="NEPTUNE",
                                       v_inf_vec_icrf_kms=np.array([17.78952518,  8.62038536,  3.15801163]),
                                       rp_space1=(24622+4000)*1e3,  psi_space1=3*np.pi/2,
                                       rp_space2=(24622+4000)*1e3,  psi_space2=np.pi,

Compute the orbiter divert maneuver delta-V

print("Divert manuever DV: "+str(deflection.dv_maneuver_vec)+ " m/s")
Divert manuever DV: [-1.84528468  8.03880239  8.05923458] m/s
print("Divert manuever DV magnitude: "+str(round(deflection.dv_maneuver_mag,3))+ " m/s")
Divert manuever DV magnitude: 11.532 m/s
print("TOF from probe release to atm. entry interface: "+str(round(deflection.TOF_space1,6))+ " days")
print("TOF from probe release to orbiter periapsis   : "+str(round(deflection.TOF_space2,6))+ " days")
TOF from probe release to atm. entry interface: 60.071675 days
TOF from probe release to orbiter periapsis   : 60.071679 days

Run python example-67-multiple-orbiter-deflection.py from your virtual env terminal to generate the figure below showing the geometry of the two approach trajectories.

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from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename="../plots/example-67-multiple-orbiter-deflection.png", width=800)